BIOREMIA final conference
15 - 16 April 2024, Vienna (Austria)
Workshop venue: Parkhotel Schönbrunn, Vienna
Event organiser: Prof. Jürgen Eckert, Dr. Florian Spieckermann (Montanuniversität Leoben) Prof. Michael Zehetbauer (University of Vienna)
The workshop from Vienna marked the end of the BIOREMIA MSCA-ETN project. This final event was a great success and we are grateful to everyone that was able to attend, give talks or participate in the fruitful discussion about project activities. Over the two days, we welcomed famous invited speakers from within and beyond Europe, and discussed the achievements of ESRs projects and the impact of BIOREMIA interdisciplinary training on the career development of our young researchers. Moreover, the meeting provided a great opportunity to discuss about future collaborations in frame of EU research and innovation programme.
More details on the schedule of the event can be found in the BIOREMIA Final workshop program.
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