BIOREMIA Summer School
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies for the prevention of bacterial biofilms
29. August - 2. September 2022, Ioannina (Greece)
Meeting Venue:Hotel Du Lac, Ioaninna (Greece)
The BIOREMIA summer school was organized by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina, Greece, from 29th of August until the 2nd of September 2022.
The BIOREMIA Summer School has provided advanced scientific training on Nanomaterials, Nanocharacterization, and Nanotechnologies. Invited lectures as well as a practical Computational Material Science course had their place in the programme. Besides, the BIOREMIA ESRs were offered a two-days transferable skills training on career planning for scientists.
Tutorial lectures, ESRs talks and scientific discussions were intensively scheduled throughout the week, but thanks to the perfect location, participants had also the opportunity to share ideas and points of view during a pleasant excursion organized by our host.
Event organizers: Assoc. Prof. Christina Lekka (University of Ioannina).
More details can be found in the Summer School Program.
- Workshop video
Enjoy watching the video with impressions from the BIOREMIA Summer School!
- A short visual summary

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