Training on MOOC design and production
(online soft-skills training, 17.06.2021 / 10:30-15:30 CEST)
MOOC stands for 'Massive Open Online Courses'. Considering that multimedia contents, such as videos, video tutorials, podcasts, and infographics will be produced alongside the project, MOOC would be an effective tool to communicate and disseminate the project results to the general public.
- What is a MOOC?
- How to define the target audience and the learning objectives of a MOOC
- Designing MOOC activities
- How to produce effective videos
- Technical tips to implement videos
- Exercise: design a MOOC on your research topic
- (American-style) debate: Are MOOC effective in content dissemination?
Trainers: Floriana Vindigni, PhD & Tina Lasala, M.Sc. / ICT and E-Learning Division of the University of Turin,